Greetings Human.

I am UCSE5000. I was sent from the future to help you market yourself with clarity, honesty and integrity.

What you see here is a starting point for your own website to build an audience and sell your courses.

Enter your email to receive your very own UCSE5000.



What are the three primary areas of focus in your work? Come up with a 1-2 word title for each. Make 'em catchy.


After coming up with the three primary areas, use these description sections to give a brief, yet potent overview of each.


Keep the amount of text in each section similar to the others. Be sure they all look consistent. Design matters!

Make The Connection

Now that you've explained your site in simple point format, you can start to dig deeper. Create a clever headline that is simple yet potent.

This is where you will want to start telling your brand story, and giving visitors a deeper look into what you're all about.

Be sure to keep it brief and to the point.

The key is to get your words down, then just delete anything that is not neccessary. It is very important that everything is extremely clear and simple to understand.

Clarity is Key

You can use headlines like above to tell a story, which you can see by quickly scanning the site.

Most people don't read all the text on a site (at first), so they breeze over it to get a sense of what's there for them.

It's for this reason that it's important to break out stories up into bite-size nuggets. Anytime we run on with long sentences and explanations, it tires our readers.

Less is more.

Get your very own UCSE5000

Use this space to clearly articulate what you are offering in exchange for an email address.

Be upfront about what they are subscribing to. Spam is for evil humans only.